Support Groups
Free Virtual Support Groups
Our free, state-wide support groups are currently being held virtually. Each of our support groups is led by a trained facilitator but the real power of our groups is getting to interact with other people impacted by mental illness or similar situations. Supporting one another is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to heal.
This group is open to the general population who would like support in stress management. Join us on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month from 7-8 p.m.
Stress Management Group
This group is for individuals who have suffered a trauma and would like support in the recovery process. Join us on the first and third Monday of the month from 6:15-7:15 p.m.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Management Group
This group is for family members or friends of individuals who died by suicide to share, listen and connect with others overcoming a suicide loss. Join us every first and third Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m.
Survivors of Suicide Loss Group
This is a support group for black, indigenous, and people of color. Join us every second and fourth Monday from 6-7 p.m.
BIPOC Emotional & Mental Health Group
La Coalición Hispana / Latinx es un pequeño grupo de personas que están dispuestas a ayudar a la comunidad hispana con información sobre salud mental y recursos en nuestro idioma para aquellos que puedan estar luchando con la salud mental o emocional.
Las personas de los campos médico, educativos, religioso y comunitario están trabajando juntos para apoyar su salud y bienestar mental en Tulsa y en todo el estado.
Para información de la 4to Temporada llamar al 918-928-2471.
Platicas Grupo de Platicas de Alcance Hispaño/Latino
This group is for those who wish to talk through the struggles of depression and engage with others who are experiencing depression. Join us each first and third Wednesday of the month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Depression Management Group
This group is for those who wish to develop coping skills for the thoughts and fears that are part of anxiety disorders. Join us every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m.
Anxiety Management Group
This group is for individuals living with bipolar disorder to discuss the challenges associated and share in the recovery process. Join us every first and third Tuesday from 6:30-8 p.m.
Bipolar Management Group
Este grupo de apoyo proporciona habilidades de afrontamiento para enseñarle cómo manejar mejor el estrés. Este grupo es para aquellos que han tenido experiencias estresantes en su vida y buscan el apoyo de sus compañeros.
Únase a nosotros el primer y tercer Martes de cada mes de 6 a 7 p.m.
Para informacion llmar al 918-928-2471.
Reducción Del Estrés
La Asociación de Salud Mental de Oklahoma, con el apoyo de CREOKS y promotores comunitarios, te invita a formar parte del grupo de apoyo virtual para familiares y padres de niños con capacidades diferentes. Este grupo es totalmente en ESPAÑOL y GRATIS, donde hablaremos de recursos, información y apoyo. ¡Usted no está solo! Para registrarse, envíe un mensaje de texto al 918-928-2471.
Grupo de Padres de Niños con Necesidades Especiales
How To Join
Please indicate your preferred support group on the form below, and we will provide the appropriate information for you to access. Participants will need a free account with Zoom to attend.
Get in Touch
We are here to help you navigate community resources and mental health services. We can provide you with information and resources related to mental health and homelessness, including how to access services, support programs and more.